How Do I Visually Flip the Video Input?

Kaoss's picture

Currently, when you raise your left arm in front of the camera quartz composer it visually shows your arm being raised on the right side of the screen (Video Input from built in I-Sight). I'm trying to find a way to alter the incoming video input so it looks like you're looking into a mirror, so when you raise your left arm it's displayed on the left side of the screen (instead of the right). I'm a total noob when it comes to quartz, so is there a patch I haven't found that would do the job? Thanks

cybero's picture
Re: How Do I Visually Flip the Video Input?

In a spritely fashion :-) pun intended.

See attached proof of video flipping with no added plugins.

flipit.qtz1.9 KB

jd's picture
Re: How Do I Visually Flip the Video Input?

On this same subject, I am looking for a better way to flip the image, THEN process the image...
The above flip-on-output will work fine for some stuff, but I have several projects where that approach won't work, and I need to pre-flip.


The NI Flip patch that I use will give me unexpected results, sometimes cutting off part (25%)of the left side when feeding it into other patches. This seems to happen more the higher the rez video I'm feeding it, i.e. 720x480 not so crazy problematic, HD much more so... the funny thing is that while the patch cuts this off visually, the rez numbers (720x480) stay, it is just the visible part of the image that is munched. BTW this cutoff is only in the horizontal, and always the left side of the output.

Have tried image transform patches and all the obvious stuff, but most will not let me do a -100% in the x. If they do, then I get bizzarro outputs down the food chain.

thoughts?? voodoo chants? There has to be a better way that I'm just overlooking....

Are flip Horizontal/Vertical switches in the works for the Kineme Vid Input?

thanks mucho gang! jd

cybero's picture
Re: How Do I Visually Flip the Video Input?

Well, I was going to post up a slightly more complex example than my first response, and I will do so in any case, as it might also be useful for someone, perhaps even for your HD video feed. However it seems to me you are going to need something slightly more responsive and conditioned to ensure that you render fully.

I have not really tested out NI Flip much, though it seems to be a very effective patch.

I've included it in this setup.

The majority of the innards are based upon iMovie's StyleHFlip.qtz

Give it a whirl.

Oh, this uses Billboards.

Options - Apple's Flip or NI Flip.

Three different flips in one day, will this feverish rate of activity never end ? :-) •~

Variety is the Spice of Life .

RevampedFlip.qtz8.65 KB

franz's picture
Re: How Do I Visually Flip the Video Input?

don't flip the pixels directly. flip the texture instead. see attached qtz

FLIP(ping).qtz47.85 KB

cybero's picture
Re: How Do I Visually Flip the Video Input?

You clever fellow you :-)

A Spritely , textured, signaled solution.

It has a consistently higher frame rate than the three I previously posted.