
Release: ChartTools, v1.1

Release Type: Production
Version: 1.1
Release Notes

Changes since ChartTools 1.0

  • Added support for scatter plots (arbitrary X values) --- toggle the new "X Values" input to the Kineme Chart Data: XY patch, and provide X and Y values in a structure of keys and values or of ordered pairs. Added a sample composition for scatter plots.
  • Added "Margin" input to the Kineme Chart Renderer patch.
  • Added "Marker Font" and "Custom Glyph" inputs to the Kineme Chart Data: XY patch.
  • Improved performance of the Kineme Chart Renderer patch.
  • Fixed Kineme Chart Renderer patch so that the chart image changes when a data set is removed.
  • Removed question marks from Kineme Chart Renderer patch inputs.

Known Issues
