Value HistorianValue Historian
Release: Value Historian, v20090114
Release Type:
Release Notes
Warning: These patches are now part of DataTools. Use that plugin instead.
This update fixes playback, which previously gave slightly erroneous output for a given input time. Also applied a few other small optimizations, so it should be a bit snappier (probably not noticeable though). Release: Value Historian, v20090110
Release Type:
Release Notes
Warning: These patches are now part of DataTools. Use that plugin instead.
This update to ValueHistorian adds named input support, and fixes a few bugs when partially re-recording. This is hopefully the last beta before public release, so please hammer on it, and discuss any last-minute features/bugs so they can be discussed and addressed. http://kineme.net/Discussion/ForumDiscussion/ValueHistorianPatch20090105...
Release: Value Historian, v20090106
Release Type:
Release Notes
Warning: These patches are now part of DataTools. Use that plugin instead.
This update to the Value Historian beta improves performance while recording, and adds Samples/Duration outputs. When recording over a previously recorded time span, only samples after the initial re-record time are discarded (previously, all samples were discarded). This means that if you have a 0-10 second recording, and you start recording at 7 seconds, only data from 7-10 is discarded. Please continue discussing at http://kineme.net/Discussion/ForumDiscussion/ValueHistorianPatch20090105betadiscussion
Release: Value Historian, v20090105
Release Type:
Release Notes
Warning: These patches are now part of DataTools. Use that plugin instead.
This is the initial beta release of the Value Historian patch. Please read the following description/instructions. The Value Historian patch records values for later playback, similar to the queue patch. Notable differences:
Notable Limitations:
Discuss here: http://kineme.net/Discussion/ForumDiscussion/ValueHistorianPatch20090105betadiscussion