404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by 404visuals)

Author: 404visuals
License: (unknown)
Date: 2010.07.13
Compatibility: 10.6
Required plugins:

I had a few people ask about the composition file from this video...

Feel free to have a play around with it!

Installations required

Soundflower 1.5.1 - http://code.google.com/p/soundflower/downloads/list
Soundflowerbed - included in Soundflower download
Kineme Audio Tools 0.8 - http://kineme.net/release/AudioTools/0.8
v002 Glitch 2.0 - http://v002.info/?page_id=27
v002 Film Effects 1.0.2 - http://v002.info/?page_id=34
v002 Blur Effects 2.0.2 - http://v002.info/?page_id=6
Kineme Structure Tools - http://kineme.net/QuartzComposerPatches/StructureTools/0.1


404visuals.com - Audio reactive, interactive and live visuals!

404_CureForTheGlitch.zip44.48 KB

cybero's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Nice piece of work, takes a little tweaking to get some bright visuals out as the values being brought in are just a little too low.

Is it such a good idea to have an Audio Input patch buried so deep, wouldn't it be better to publish that input to root and latch it into some smoothed or other wise calculated input from the Kineme Waveform data?

Time to get a coffeee!

.lov.'s picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Actually i didn't do a deeper look into, but this comp also needs v002 Blurs and Kineme Structure Tools!

cybero's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Yeah , it's chock a block full of plugins :-)

404visuals's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Ha I just came back to revise this with those additional plug-in requirements!

404visuals's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Yeh there's loads of optimisation that could be done. Just threw most of it together without much thought about structure. I'm always open to ideas on how to streamline or make compositions more user friendly!

Coffee is good.

tobyspark's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

super quick post just to say i really like what i see you doing as 404 visuals. props!

vade's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Seconded. Lovely stuff!

404visuals's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Thanks guys! I got lots more stuff in development at the moment.

And credit to you, Vade, for all the great plug-ins you've released!

dust's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

i really like layer number 1 and how number 3 sort of dances. after i ran all my itunes library through platinum notes this really reacts nicely to some of my songs now that they have been healed. even without the glitch effects this looks nice. i like it one layer at a time.

it would be interesting to see how this looks if you where to use the spectrum itself to trigger your toggles. like conditionally trigger layer one when the bass frequency is above a certain threshold or something.

either way nice work.

404visuals's picture
Re: 404 Live Visuals - Cure for the Glitch (Composition by ...

Cheers man. Aye something a bit more automated to switch layers would be handy especially for a live event. I also thought that morphing between them would look pretty good as well!