Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Author: psonice
License: (unknown)
Date: 2009.07.01
Compatibility: 10.5
Required plugins:

Had a quick "de-stress" play with QC and came up with this strange beast. It looks like some kind of cellular automata, but isn't.

Somehow it usually manages to 'stay alive' for a long time without change in the inputs.. there are no animated parameters at all, and the source image only stays on screen for a single frame (it's the image string that says "hi" if you want to change it).

The parameters have various effects.. size roughly controls how big the blobs are, strength controls speed, and shift adjusts colouring. But changing any of them will affect the whole dynamic.

Stop + restart the comp to really see what the current parameters will do (changing them when it's been going a while can be totally different to starting fresh). It often starts with a splash/ripple effect, and it can take a while for the waves to settle down and the blobs to start spreading and fighting each other.

Oh yeah, and it's frame-rate dependent, so make the window bigger to slow it down (or smaller to speed it up).

lifeform.qtz9.56 KB's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Interesting and efficient. I don't get where the colour comes from?'s picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Okay now I get it. Very clever work, to this novice anyhow.

cybero's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Try setting the font to fixed and then interpolate the font size between 10 to 20 and the time parameter to between 0.1 and 1. You could also change to using a decorative font for really wacky results derived from the font shape.

toneburst's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

That's nutty, Chris! Very nice indeed.

Your next challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create something like


psonice's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

That looks hard, I'll let you do that one ;)

psonice's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Don't be fooled by the hue adjustment if you're thinking it's that. You can remove that, and there's nothing else in the comp that produces anything other than black and white, and you still get those colours.

I strongly suspect it's a result of the colour correction stuff, because turning that off can actually break the whole comp. What probably happens: 1. the comp generates a greyscale image. 2. colour correction messes with the colours slightly so that it looks grey instead of yellow on your slightly-off-white monitor. 3. the feedback chain amplifies the colour and passes it back (then repeat 2/3 until you get those nasty primary colours)

I'd love to do a version with a decent colourscheme but I don't know how. Well, I guess doing it with a LUT just before the billboard is possible, but I can't be arsed to do that.

toneburst's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Thanks, mate... You're the one who does the complicated stuff...

I exchanged quite a few emails with that guy on another subject, as it happens, so maybe I could ask him how he did it.


gtoledo3's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Looks like mathmap (the pic).

cat's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Its vvvv, and from the look just a feedback loop, you can do some awesome feedback in vvvv with very simple patches, theres an example in the girlpower folder of vvvv called treeback to get you inspired Is another vvvv feedback patch in motion....

JUst tried to patch a quick example, but as always I find quartz missing a few nodes... Is there anyway to delay an image input? In vvvv its the queue node, but qc queue accepts an image as input but doesnt output it, what go on there then? Everytime I get find something like this someone always says use java, but if I knew java I wouldn't be messing with nodes! Anyways, delay your feedback loop and it should tame it some...

dust's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

i must say i am a big fan of this generative stochastic type of random art mr wood, i will say i had a hard time with it at first, i was like no that color is there at this time on purpose. it was just a transition i needed to go through in life, now i completely appreciate this style of art. i guess it was after i taught my computer to play piano that i started to actually really get into the stochastic process.

there seems to be a really direct juxtaposition to your massive clod piece in comparison to this one. you should post the clod if you have not all ready. i have been studying that lately or well off and on for over a year now. this just reminds me of how powerful qc filters are, which i usually negate to use, or use as often as i should.

so was your process intentional with this or experimental regardless of the out come it always interests me how people start a patch etc...

this one is giving me some ideas but i still really don't understand how it is doing what it is doing, which is leading me to some phenomenological investigation which i enjoy doing so thank you chris.

toneburst's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Use the Queue patch to delay. The Queue outputs a structure containing all the items in the Queue. You need to connect a Structure Index Member patch to the output of the Queue. Set the Index to 0, and you will get the last item in the Queue. Delay time is set my the number of items in the Queue.

I'd be really interested to see what you managed to come up with. Desaxismundi said somewhere that the complexity of the result is inversely-proportional to the simplicity of the feedback system, suggesting it's quite easy to set these kind of things up- provided you know where to start, of course...

I did find this which might be helpful (though my quick attempt to setup something similar in QC didn't really produce the effect I was intending.


gtoledo3's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

I've been making some stuff along these lines lately by using the image iterator type of setup with creative tweaking with core image to do mirror image cells and to do color threshold work. I'll try to post a clip.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

Cool, checked it out... This looks really awesome. I love how you did it with text too. Psycho-delic.

I've had similar setups before, trying to do liquid simulation type of things with the depth displacement and feedback... and it always blows my mind how that color correction will totally change the output. Sometimes enabling native core image on a billboard will have just as profound an effect on something tweaky like this working or not.

Try wrapping the whole thing in a logic op, and then checking out stuff like the "and inverted" setting with this, for some nice red/black looks. Some of the other modes look cool as well. It's a great way of getting a little more leeway out of some of these type of ideas... big fan 'o the logic op.

psonice's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice) / Cell

Playing with that a bit more made me wonder: is it possible to give this effect more structure instead of having it pretty random? Yes it is :) Well.. ish :)

I added a CI filter to make it spread out along x + y, which forces it to make 'arms' in those directions. Then the original effect takes over and the arms interact to give it a more organic shape, but it keeps its structure. It also causes it to limit its expansion (and ultimately die), so it ends up being roughly a ball with internal structure.. just like a cell.

The CI filter makes it look pretty glitchy so I've post-processed it a bit to restore it. I suspect you could replace the CI filter with motion blur or something to clean it up. Or write a proper filter :)

cell.qtz12.12 KB

dust's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice) / Cell

so i like this cause its cellular automata but not, the not is where im at. sure i have checked the game of life but my math isn't really their yet. i have a teacher that is all about the cellular stuff nate. here is a audio thing of his its a surround sound cellular auto mating ritual or something kind of hard to explain.

this patch was the inspiration for a splatter paint program i made today. check the repository you will see the feedback is actually from this patch. i really like this. i actually learned a lot today from this patch thanks mr wood.

splatter.qtz48 KB

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice) / Cell

Dude, this is SWEET. I mean, my machine is groaning, but this is a really cool unique one... I am in love with the look. It's so novel it's making me laugh.

dust's picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice) / Cell

it actually really looks like a cell with membrane and cytoplasm etc.. right at the end there. oh man i must have hit the space bar 10 times beffore i figured out it wasn't plugged in to anything.'s picture
Re: Lifeform (Composition by psonice)

no not hue – I checked that ;)

I didn't guess colour correction but suspected distortion filter introducing marginal RGB shifts (like how you get fringing in PS on some filters) that were being amplified as feedback. guessed wrong I guess.

Is there an easy way to do a LUT or requires writing a CI Filter?