Rotating triangle?

beigeharmaa's picture

How would you create in QC a simple flat triangle object that would be rotateable along the three axis? I've used the Kineme GL Torus for now, set to 3 slices and 2 stacks, but I'd thought there would be a dedicated patch for this. GL Triangle patch has good inputs to set the corner points but I can think of no option for rotating them all in unison without some kind of coordinate transformation matrix maths that is beyond me. Any ideas?

beigeharmaa's picture
Re: Rotating triangle?

3D Transformation patch gets too heavy when used with iterators and when rotation is applied, QC soon grinds to halt. I'm looking for a more lean solution.

Triangle test 2.qtz39.49 KB

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Rotating triangle?

You're not right on that, the 3d transform isn't taxing. If you build a triangle plugin from scratch and write a translation/rotation for it, you're not going to see a significant difference.

If you want to draw tons of objects, you want to look into making a plugin and using vbo's.