The GL matrix patches or another method.'s picture

Recent post about GL-Matrix patches reminded me of their existence. There doesn't seem to be a Kineme demo comp in the set of example comps that ships with GT Tools.

Anybody have anything I could look at to get an idea of implementation? I'm trying and failing to do a scale,rotate& transform on a quarter circle as an approximation of a Golden Spiral. If I knew the maths I may be able to with just a scale and rotate operation.

Tried replicate in space but the intermediary instances are linearly scaled and I need log or exponential. Then tried GL-Tools Scale (inside a stock a 3D transform patch for rotation) inside an iterator but scaling (X,Y) *2 doesn't double size of sprite.

Matrix maths could be way to go although my school-boy matrix maths is very rusty. Any help appreciated. Attached qtz gives an idea of the shape I want not the method to produce.

If I could understand the math better, I'd love to plot the points directly either as GL Triangle structure or inside a CoreImage Filter. A CI kernel was my original desire and remains the ultimate goal!

1:4 circle spiral issues.qtz19.45 KB

dust's picture
Re: The GL matrix patches or another method.

here is an approximation don't know if it helps, i think its in either a Parametric or Cartesian / Quadratic equation form not sure to tell you the truth.

spiralGold.qtz3.61 KB