1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin

franz's picture

Renders an opengL Cubic Curve, with tangent handles. Plugin for 10.5/10.6 , example for 10.6 only due to Interaction patch.

Usual info on the blog www.1024dwordpress.com

_1024_GL_CubicCurve.zip24.2 KB

toneburst's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin

cool, cool...

Could this be extended into a more generalised Bezier patch? Would be cool to be able to create multi-segment paths, filled shapes and even maybe parse vector files and fonts....

On a simpler level, could you add a structure port to render more than one curve segment?

Keep 'em coming... :)


usefuldesign.au's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin

Hey Franz. Your on a roll(-you're-own-frenzy) at the moment. Any chance of a leopard comp? Guess it's just a matter of setting 2 anchors and 2 handles and I could work out which is which ;{)

How about adding the point assignment to the patch description shown with tool-tip and in Patch Creator panel. I'll second tb's structure input — I'm really enjoying the kineme structure transform patch atm. Structures are where QC is at for me now.

franz's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin / Multiple Segments

yeah, i'm working on a structure input...

Multi-segments paths are just linked curves. You'll have to link CurveAPoint3 to CurveBPoint2, to be symmetrical to CurveAPoint4 (which is the same as CurveBPoint1). An example is perhaps better to understand, so please have a look at the attached comp.

Vector font is another project i'm tinkering at, slow progress...

__1024_GL_Cirle_MuliSegments.qtz23.49 KB

franz's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin

Here's an updated example comp that should be running under Leopard - although untested, since i'm on SL -

Regarding patch and port description, i'll try to polish things up in the next build. Meanwhile: - Point 1 is the start point of the curve - Point 2 is the first handle (tangent) - Point 3 is the second handle - Point 4 is the endpoint of the curve.

__1024_GL_Cirle_MuliSegments LEOPARD.qtz8.65 KB

cybero's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin

nice work, franz

usefuldesign.au's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin

quick like silver.

dust's picture
Re: 1024_GL_CubicCurve plugin


i saw someone asking questions about cubic curves on dev list. i have been messing with them as of late and was going to reply to the list but i'm blocked from answering questions as i have gone of topic. i just posted a mapping function that has interpolatable curves for scaling numbers but during my research on how this done it seems bezier curves are made the same way.

any chance on releasing the source. i would love to see how you did this. i'm still trying to figure out how to map quartz core context to quartz composer context. are you using CA to generate this or are rolling your GL lines ?