Rest In Peace Steve

voxdeserti's picture

photonal's picture
Re: Rest In Peace Steve

Unfortunately this day for Steve has been approaching more rapidly than a lot of people for a while now. Last night when I read the press release on the news wires from the Apple Board I was deeply saddened. He was someone who not only help create the greatest technology company around but also created technology which inspired the human spirit. The products that Apple produced, have personally touched my life, whether that was writing up my degree dissertation in 1995 on a PowerBook or writing music and creating motion graphics on an iMac now. My soul was touched by his inspiration.

cybero's picture
Re: Rest In Peace Steve

R I P Steve Jobs. Thank you for your contributions, code, kit, vision & inspiration. No more need you suffer. Unforgettable and well remembered.

mradcliffe's picture
I hate this Jobless America

He really gave it a good fight. Pancreatic cancer is one of the toughest cancers to live with.

cybero's picture
Well remembered

Gone way too soon.

Nature is a blundering fool. Provides this world with plenty of healthy misanthropes , but throws a genuine genius and inspiration a real nasty curve ball. [& not for the first time].

What a lot of innovations.

Some legacy indeed.