What's your biggest problem with Quartz Composer?

This question's about you. See also the accompanying poll, Why don't your friends use Quartz Composer?.

(You may choose more than one response, or write in a response if a problem isn't mentioned.)

Apple hasn't focused on developing QC for several years
79% (60 votes)
QC doesn't support modern graphics (e.g., geometry shaders, shadows)
47% (36 votes)
QC's audio support is too limited
36% (27 votes)
Compositions run only on Mac OS X
34% (26 votes)
QC's editor is too slow when working with large compositions
28% (21 votes)
Apple's QC documentation is inadequate
26% (20 votes)
QC doesn't integrate well with other apps (e.g., Keynote, AE)
24% (18 votes)
QC is unreliable
24% (18 votes)
QC is too slow/inefficient
22% (17 votes)
QC lacks adequate tools for developing user interfaces
21% (16 votes)
The public plugin API is too limited
20% (15 votes)
QC's editor works only on Mac OS X
18% (14 votes)
There aren't enough patches for QC
16% (12 votes)
QC lacks adequate tools for text-based programming
9% (7 votes)
QC can't natively build standalone applications
8% (6 votes)
It's too hard to create plugins for QC
8% (6 votes)
QC's editor is too hard to use
8% (6 votes)
It's too hard to express myself using QC
7% (5 votes)
Total voters: 76