Structure Tools Trouble

dimitri's picture

Hi everyone,

This little follow-up to an earlier post on the Structure Tools page. I'm still trying to sort out an issue where structures are messed up when written to and loaded from file. I must be missing something obvious!

In the following example, the user input written to disk (key: "S") and read back (key: "L") do not match. I might very well be mistaken on this one, just starting working with structures. Sorting doesn't seem to help me, either. Thanks!

Structure Save_Load_01.qtz27.8 KB

jd's picture
Re: Structure Tools Trouble

Try this... for some reason which I don't get the .plist file gets saved with the components out of order (component_1, component_3 / 4 /11)whatever. Pulling it back out based on compnent name seems to do the trick.

hope this helps... jd

Structure Save Load Working.qtz26.72 KB

dimitri's picture
On the same subject

dimitri's picture
Re: Structure Tools Trouble

Thank you,

You are right, there is a way to retrieve indexed structure as if they were keyed structures. It could even be incremental by generating the string "component_" + increment.

However this seems a bit of overkill! :)

I would think there is a way to put them back in order using the structure sort patch, but I have no idea of how to fill in the sorting descriptor field. So far i can get no particular result! And the fact that component numbers do not include zeroes is a mess, since alphabetically component_10 would be sorted between component_1 and component_2.

Named structure maker, no other way round?

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Structure Tools Trouble

If there was a 0 in front of the 1, so that each number was two digits in length, what would happen when you get to 100 listings?

dimitri's picture
Re: Structure Tools Trouble

Hey Georges,

It depends on how many fishes are swimming in your aquarium… Guess I should have written "a bunch of zeroes" to be precise! ;-)