Safe OSC Send/Receiver

Hello kineme users

First thank for all the hard work, i love the kineme patches. That is great,i play .qtz files in Modul8, and i use the "Official API Subpatch Support (obj/off Models Support)", "Safe Audio Input", and the "Safe MIDI" Hack.

Can you make a safe OSC send/receiver in the future? That lasts very helpfully to control file pathes and all other from MaxMSP or Modul8.

I require a beautiful day

cwright's picture
wish granted

wish granted -- Please Please Please be careful with this plugin.

sare's picture
Thank you many times, cwright

That went so fast. I make a request and go sleep. Next day you have the SafeOSC online. Now i have make a smal MaxMSP application and publish this then on First i check the bugs, not all working great to this time (ghost control commands).

Have a nice day SARE

QC_Modul8_MaxMSP_OSC.mov9.86 MB