Atlona 8x1 switch

Kineme Serial IO controlling 2 Atlona 8x1 switch

axlrecords's picture


I'm try to controll 2 Atlona 8x1 switch with the beta-patch Serial IO:

I use a USB cable adapter to 2 x RS 232 with profilic chipset:

I install the driver for the adapter. As soon as I plug in the USB cable my Mac is asking to configure the new device. My Mac see the switch as a modem. So I did not any configuration in the network preferences. I launch the IORegistry Explorer to find out the IOCalloutDevice and the IODialinDevice wich are, in order:

/dev/cu.usbserial3 /dev/tty.usbserial /dev/tty.usbserial3

I use all this directory as a string, once at the time, in the device input of the serial IO patch, and put the data string "PORT 2", that is the command to switch to the 2nd input of the switcher, check the send signal, but nothing happened. Do I have to do any configuration in the network preference? Do I use a correct string for the device input?

Any help?