Resizing QC Output with DIPS

kodamapixel's picture

I'm just starting out with QC and Max/MSP and am having some trouble with what is (hopefully!) a pretty simple problem...

Basically, I'd like to run multiple instances of a QC patch with the DIPSQCRenderer object in Max/MSP, but can't figure out how to resize QC patches and place multiple QC patches in the same Max/MSP output window.

If it helps to have some more info: I would like to light multiple copies of a mesh in QC to output from Max/MSP. Because of the change in perspective in QC when moving 3D shapes, I can't have several 3D objects in the same QC patch (they need to be in the centre of the QC patch).

Aside from trying to get the DIPSQCRender object to run and resize multiple QC patches, I also tried using Memo's Quad Warping patch to change the size and position of the mesh renderer, without changing perspective, but I'm not sure that the output will go into the GLSL shader.

Like I said, I'm a total beginner, so I hope the above isn't too much babble and makes sense!