
Mobile Phone Orchestra

cybero's picture

Thought this was interesting http://www.ns.umich.edu/podcast/vodcast.php - a Mobile iPhone Orchestra :-) - lots of other possibilities there, I wouldn't wonder.

iSensorii: Multi-User interactive audio visual sculpture

VJ_Anomolee's picture

Hello fellow Kineme fans! This was not built with Kineme but I think its still appropriate. I recently did an installation at the Dallas Museum of Art. Comprised of 4 programs. 1. Modified arduino Code to translate WiiChuck data into Max/msp. 2. Stand alone Max/msp app to translate input from WiiChucks and
iPhones/iPodTouches+Generate Audio+send data on to Unity. 3. Stand alone app written in Unity3D.(big visuals on upper screen) 4. iPhone app to control the sights and sounds.

Check it out here: http://www.isensorii.com -and please let me know if you try the home version! -VJ Anomolee

XML Downloader, how to retrieve xml node value?

mirek's picture

Hey there!

I've just written an iPhone web-server to share accelerometer values as xml:

From iPhone address I've got:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <acceletrometer x="-0.036337" y="0.072674" z="-0.981105"/>

This information is updated instantly, ie. every new request will return new values.

Anybody knows how to use XML Downloader patch to access/use x, y and z float values from xml?

Mirek Rusin http://mirekrusin.com