How to Delay live Audio and Video Input

E.Leopard's picture

I am working on trying to set up an experiment. I was hoping Quartz Composer was the software to use, But I am struggling with it. Help would be greatly appreciated.

My end resolute would ideally be inputing Live Audio and Video(from a webcam or other attached recording device) delaying the feed varying values from 0 - 450 Milliseconds, then displaying both the Audio and video. both the Audio and Video would be delayed the same amount of time.

The idea of the experiment is to test at what point does Latency(in this case, the time delay between what is said and when the person on the other side hears you) becomes a hinderance to a telecommunication.

Thanks in advance for your help and support. If there are any suggestions to help me better complete this experiment(Quartz composer and non Quartz composer related) I would greatly appreciate them.

Achim Breidenbach's picture
Re: How to Delay live Audio and Video Input

I think QuartzComposer isn't of any help here, because its capabilities in processing audio is very limited. In other words: No support at all.

I think you better go with X-Code, Objective-C and the AVFoundation framework: The framework provides the video and audio inputs and afaik you can define the sample buffer sizes so that can give you the latency you want to control.

E.Leopard's picture
Re: How to Delay live Audio and Video Input

Thank you for your help. I will give it a try. I am kinda new to the whole programing scene in general and I am not familiar with any of your suggested softwares. If you could possible give any more help and instructions on how to complete this experiment I would really appreciate it.

Thanks Again!!!

cwilms's picture
Re: How to Delay live Audio and Video Input

I agree that QC isn't the tool for the job.

I have a suggestion to keep an eye on, soon VUO ( will support live Audio input (mid January) and BlackMagic video capture devices (early February). It may be worth keeping an eye on for your project if you can wait it out and the whole X-Code, Objective-C and the AVFoundation framework doesn't work for you.