Noob Help - Color Generation

scottbernoth's picture

Hi, this is my first post, but i have been browsing the forum from the time i started delving into Quartz Composer. It has taken a while for me to get my brain in sync with doing stuff in Quartz, but i have got to a point were i can work out how to achieve most things that i want to do (usually by creating a massive, completely inelegant comp, cause I’d never written a line of code in my life). However i’ve hit a brick wall coming up with a way to achieve the following:

I want a to create a patch where inputs are: Color A Color B X no of Sample Colors of the gradient between both colors

outputs are X no. of Colors (I assume in a structure would be easiest).

Eg if Color A = Blue, Color B = Red , X = 10 output would be 10 colors equally spaced in Hue etc from each other from blue to red.

Is this possible? Will i have to learn to code to achieve it?

jersmi's picture
Re: Noob Help - Color Generation

maybe this will help.

colorSimulContrast.qtz8.36 KB

scottbernoth's picture
Re: Noob Help - Color Generation

Thank you Jerry, I had completely overlooked using the color mixer that way.