force aspect ratio?

randall's picture

Hey guys,

Anyone know how to lock an aspect ratio for the purposes of positioning? I'm trying to make it so that even if displayed on a 16:10 monitor, the composition is still 16:9.

Thoughts? rb

randall's picture
Re: force aspect ratio?

Just to be clear... I'm using QuartzBuilder, which doesn't have a lock aspect ratio function to which I'm aware. I'm not using the built-in Quartz renderer, which does have lock aspect functions.

vade's picture
Re: force aspect ratio?

NSWindow can lock to an aspect ratio with a one line of code call. Does Quartz Builder allow you to edit that sort of stuff?

randall's picture
Re: force aspect ratio?

not sure... for now i'm hacking by rendering in an image, and sizing that by grabbing the window width * 9/16 and making that the height.

randall's picture
Re: force aspect ratio?

As an aside, do you have a link to creating a composition as an app? Any starting point?