spooky send/receive, v002 movie player and VDMX

639me's picture

i'm making a film screening setup in VDMX that uses v002 movie player and kineme spooky patch inside QC files in the media bin. the idea is to have the 13 HD movies playing on one screen, and a second screen displaying tiltle, duration, time elapsed and remaining, along with a 'scrub bar' for the currently playing movie. i use VDMX advanced output for fitting the two outputs to the displays. i've got this set up quite nicely, but v002player seems to stutter while playing back, no matter which res/codec i choose. but they play far less stuttery using VDMX own movie player. it's on a new mac mini, which plays 1080p (mostly 25fps) AIC files without problems. is there a way to make sure playback is smooth?

plan B is to use VDMX movie player and only the 'movie time spooky receive.qtz' file. then i'll have to enter the movie titles and durations manually into the .qtz (no problem really!), but also get the time and normalized time into the .qtz. and the 'tick' when movie is at 0.999. is it possible to publish inputs in .qtz files that are put in the VDMX media bin?

or are there anyone who have done something similar who could shed some light?

i have the program starting in about 36 hours, so i'm geting a little jumpy now.. .°/

PS: is it OK to discuss v002 patches here?

here's one (out of the 13) movie player file: http://cl.ly/0a2s1d2U0S0G041c1D0f

here's the spooky receive file: http://cl.ly/3J1J1B1E3L3r150L1u1t

and here's the .vdmx5 file (without the advanced output): http://cl.ly/313C3I0s34360H2H0J32

blackburst's picture
Re: spooky send/receive, v002 movie player and VDMX

Of course you can publish inputs to quartz clips for vdmx. Just make sure to add an input splitter, set the data type, min/max, and publish. It will then appear in the layer source controls window for vdmx (where the playhead normally is for reg vids). I'll have a look at the files when i get back to a mac, but the movie player should be fine, no idea why ur experiencing performance issues there. Would it not be more reliable and more attractive to just have a seperate clip/image for each movie info and simultaneously trigger them with the movies?

cybero's picture
Re: spooky send/receive, v002 movie player and VDMX

Tried ProRes yet?

Although a higher number of keyframes per lower number of frames might make for bigger files it seems to ensure smoothness.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: spooky send/receive, v002 movie player and VDMX

I get good results from the kineme video tools player (the non-quicktime one) and png codec - admittedly not super common as a video codec, but it looks very nice and is quick. It's a payed plugin, but it's a good one. I'm 99.9% sure I've seen it loop movies next to an mbox media server (considered pretty awesome for vid playback) or on the same machine as the server was built on, and it's a little less smooth when it does a loop, but it compares favorably. You have to look fairly hard to see a difference if it's running on a comparable machine.

Try to make the movies as small as you can, and maybe even consider halving the resolution or more if you can. You say you plan to have 13 HD movies on one screen... if the screen is smaller than the actual size of the 13 movies all added up, it might be a big help to convert each movie to the actual pixel h/w that it's going to render at onscreen. That will tend to make things smoother whatever patch you use.

I might be wrong, but I feel like 13 HD movies is pushing it on a mac mini, probably even using Quicktime Player? I know that macs keep getting more and more powerful though.

blackburst's picture
Re: spooky send/receive, v002 movie player and VDMX

i think he means one after the other, not all on screen at once, hence the "film screening" with movie info on the other output.