GLSL Noise and Extrusion - Kinect

gtoledo3's picture

I made a blog post about setting up a GLSL shader to do an extrusion function and noise function, inspired by the gl point/noise look of the cool plugin from _1024 / franz, posted yesterday, setup for using the kinect tools output.

Hopefully, the shader based approach is of use, and is a good jump off point for customization. Many thanks to franz for the inspiration on look; I'm saying happy holidays with another "snow storm"! :)

gtoledo3's picture
Re: GLSL Noise and Extrusion - Kinect

Whoops...uploaded the wrong version. It's fixed now (for the one mystery downloader in the past few minutes!) I'm attaching it here as well.

GLSL Extrusion and Noise - Kinect Example_gt.qtz34.37 KB