RII Glitching

jersmi's picture

I know turning off a clear patch when it's in a RII can produce glitching, but are there any techniques for forcing it to happen more reliably / more sometimes than other times, etc.?

jersmi's picture
Re: RII Glitching

Thanks again. As I wrote that I remembered those nice plugins, but I was wondering about the phenomenon with / without the plugins.

vade's picture
Re: RII Glitching

In short, there is no real way to control it. Thats partly why I wrote these.

jersmi's picture
Re: RII Glitching

Figured as much. Those plugins are super interesting, though I can get them to crash QC. With a couple tests seems disconnecting them doesn't always remove the effect, then QC will grind to a halt and crash. I need to do some more experiments, though.

I'm setting up a comp to throw some glitch into a feedback loop then switch off the glitch (using an image multiplexer, probably). My test comp right now is using 3 or 4 of the v001 GLSL shaders nested inside RII's.

dust's picture
Re: RII Glitching

i like the fact there is no real control of rii glitch. with the exception of on off... you never not whats going to happen.

jersmi's picture
Re: RII Glitching

yes, yes, i know. :) it's a "controlled chaos" kind of question.

vade's picture
Re: RII Glitching

Send me a patch/comp that has the crash, along with your hardware.

vade's picture
Re: RII Glitching

For the record you also have no control in the FBO glitch and core video glitch effects.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: RII Glitching

The one thing that I like to do when setting up a glitch with a render in image that makes it controllable and locked in, to a certain extent, is to take and hook the audio peak, or a low/mid to the pixel width and height of the render in image, and then just find some good textures to put into the patch. It has a tendency to grab from desktop or whatever other apps are open as well, so it's predictable in that way.

In that kind of context, I'll usually do something to tweak it so that it's falling between some w/h parameters that look good to me, then I'll crop or resize so that it gives an image output that's always the same size. If you're outputting onto a Billboard at a non-real size setting or something, you don't really need to do that.

jersmi's picture
Re: RII Glitching

gt, that's good! thanks.

vade, i'll set up something and try to reproduce to send.

jersmi's picture
Re: RII Glitching

Sorry, Vade, looks like this comp is crashing for other reasons.

vade's picture
Re: RII Glitching

Well, glad to hear I'm not responsible :)