Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

benoitlahoz's picture

Hello !

I'm working on a plugin that I compile in 64 bits (it might be the reason ?) and it appears that it doesn't work in VDMX.

I have this message : "Cannot preflight plugin ... at path...".

I know wome of you use VDMX. Does anybody have an idea of what's happening ?

Thanks a lot in advance.


benoitlahoz's picture
Re: Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

Well... I do confirm : plugins in 64 bit don't work in VDMX, in case somebody would have the same trouble.

vade's picture
Re: Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

So... compile it Universal Binary and make sure it works everywhere?

benoitlahoz's picture
Re: Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

Thanks VAde for your answer.

Well... I recompiled the library I am using so it can take 32bit . Now I'm trying to implement OSC in the plugin. I use VVOSC and it seems that it doesn't work in 64 bit neither. I HAVE to compile in 32 bit... Well I'm a bit in a mess with this ! :-) But... it seems that it works... :-) Pfff... Babysteps did you say ?

benoitlahoz's picture
Coming soon...

In fact here is what I'm working on :

Too buggy to publish now, but I will need some help on some functions I want to embed in the Box2D 'world' and I guess everybody will be of great help here.

vade's picture
Re: Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

VVOSC ought to compile in 64 bit. Its been used in QC Plugins before.

vade's picture
Re: Coming soon...

That looks great! Nice work.

benoitlahoz's picture
Re: Coming soon...

Thanks a lot Vade.

Actually I would like to implement a couple openCV/Delaunay Triangulation to achieve something like this :

Hum... A lot of work to come ! Understanding OpenCV, convex hull, constrained Delaunay/Voronoi, convex polygon and all... Wfff...

itsthejayj's picture
Re: Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

As Vade has replied, we used vvosc in this OSC QC plugin to send structures of different data types.

Its 32/64bit and lion ready, please feel free to use it. A lot of work when into making it originally.

benoitlahoz's picture
Re: Plugin doesn't work with VDMX.

Hi isthejayj,

Thanks a lot for your message. I know your very useful and fast plugin. The thing is that, even if I'm not too bad at managing with structures and logic, I'm a big big noob at OpenGL and... I don't know how to draw my openGL Box2D drawings to an image.

If I knew, I would make another processor "World plugin" with image AND structure outputs. This structure would contain what for the moment I send via OSC : positions, collisions and impulses of Box2D objects.

Baby steps... :-)

gabemott's picture
Re: Coming soon...

did anyone make any progress with efforts to work in the kinect with box2d?