HTTP Query Patch

Customise the HTTP request header info in NetworkTools HTTP Query Patch


Would it be possible to customise NetworkTools HTTP Query Patch header info? In a similar way to Query Parameters. Now it is only possible to change the “Content Type” in the HTTP message header field, but I need to change everything in the header, even the “User-Agent” value.

This becomes a problem when trying to communicate with the unofficial Tinder API. Now who would not want to make a Tinder installation??? Their API is very strict in what it accepts and how it works. Might be because they have not actually published it, but it has been sniffed out by hackers. (

I have the communication working with an external REST application (CocoaRestClient) with this information:

  • URL:
  • Method: GET
  • Request Body: empty
  • Request Header: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token token=“XXXmyPersonalToken“ app-version: 371 x-client-version: 46103 Proxy-Connection: keep-alive Accept: / Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate If-None-Match: "1217294773" platform: ios Host: Accept-Language: en-FI;q=1, fi-FI;q=0.9 User-Agent: Tinder/4.6.1 (iPhone; iOS 9.1; Scale/2.00) Connection: keep-alive X-Auth-Token: XXXmyPersonalToken os_version: 900001

What HTTP Query Patch sends as request header now and needs to be changed:

CONNECT HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Quartz%20Composer/151 CFNetwork/673.3 Darwin/13.4.0 (x86_64) (MacBookPro11%2C2) Connection: keep-alive Proxy-Connection: keep-alive

Would Kineme be willing to update current NetworkTools HTTP Query Patch to a version that accepts changes in HTTP request header? Or any ideas on how to do a custom header HTTP request in Quartz Composer?

Kind regards,
