
GLSL Noise and Extrusion - Kinect

gtoledo3's picture

I made a blog post about setting up a GLSL shader to do an extrusion function and noise function, inspired by the gl point/noise look of the cool plugin from _1024 / franz, posted yesterday, setup for using the kinect tools output.

Hopefully, the shader based approach is of use, and is a good jump off point for customization. Many thanks to franz for the inspiration on look; I'm saying happy holidays with another "snow storm"! :)

Letter Noise (Composition by gtoledo3)

Author: gtoledo3
License: (unknown)
Date: 2009.08.17
Compatibility: 10.5
Required plugins:

This is a bit of a double post:

I'm posting a non-Value Historian version of this "Letter Noise" qtz that's based on Chris's sample for Freeboard, so that it can be pulled up from the Repository.

I think it's a neat twist on integrating audio reactivity and typography with one another. It needs Kineme3D as well as Freeboard to work.

Perlin Noise CIKernel (Composition by smokris)

Author: smokris
License: MIT
Date: 2009.02.26
Compatibility: 10.5, 10.6
Required plugins:

Here's a CIKernel implementation of the Improved Perlin Noise algorithm, based on the reference implementation .

Drop "Perlin Noise CIKernel.qtz" into ~/Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Patches, and it'll appear in the Patch Creator.

"perlin.qtz" is an example of how to use it.

This is fairly inefficient, as Core Image Kernel Language doesn't support arrays (!), so I ended up dumping the Perlin permutation array into an image (see "perlin-tga.c") and then loading the image into QC and sampling it. Suggestions regarding how to improve performance are welcomed.