GLSL Front Facing Demo (Composition by gtoledo3)

Author: gtoledo3
License: MIT
Date: 2015.03.19
Compatibility: 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10
Required plugins:

This is a composition that shows how to use the gl_FrontFacing built in variable.

The demo uses that built in variable to show how one can texture an object differently on the front and rear sides.

"Well Well Well" - QuartzComposer/Kinect Music Video

gtoledo3's picture

I put together this music video last week, which used an application I've developed that leverages QuartzComposer.

I decided to try using a kinect (via v002 Open Kinect) with the app's built in FX, and also made a few setups that used the NI Rutt Etra 3.0, and this was the result:

Well Well Well from George Toledo on Vimeo.


gtoledo3's picture

Pretty...Gross 3D Stereoscopic from George Toledo on Vimeo.

I've been having some fun messing around with stereoscopic stuff in QC and figured I'd share a few visual results.

If you use a little "cross eye" technique so that both sides of the image create a image "in between", in the center, that image should look 3D.


GLSL : Graphic card bug ? QC bug ? Bad code ?

benoitlahoz's picture

Hi !

I've been fascinated for months with toneburst CI implementation of Light Scattering, from GPU Gems. So I decided to try to make a GLSL Shader with it. In fact, while googling I found some simple GLSL code coming directly from GPU Gems (

But, it is very buggy, and it looks like a graphic card bug, or maybe I'm not dealing with the texture properly, or... could it be a QC bug ? (I'm on 10.8)

I would be extremely grateful for any advice on this :-)



Worley Cellular Voronoi Noise (Composition by gtoledo3)

Author: gtoledo3
License: MIT
Date: 2013.04.06
Compatibility: 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8
Required plugins:

This shader is something I've wanted to do for a long time; a gpu-accelerated voronoi type image filter.

This uses the concept I was thinking of here ( . As I was making it, I realized it would be interesting to also have a mode where the randomness of the grid was controlled by luminosity, so there are a couple of modes for that.

Parameters: -distFormula: This changes the distance formula used for the voronoi computation from linear to "manhattan".

-lightMode: This changes the shader from a flat look, to a simple gradient "lighting" look, to a more complex "lighting" look with adjustable normals, and finally a normal output of the complex look.

-displaceMode: This controls whether the grid noise is triggered by brightness, darkness, or it's a constant value.

-displaceAmt: This controls how much each cell is displaced. With the luminosity displace modes, it's a multiplier, with the constant mode, it's constant.

-density: This controls the density of the voronoi grid.

-uvOffset and Zoom: I've added this because of the nature of the worley algorithm, cells at the top and side can sometimes be right where the texture repeats. A little zoom in and recenter solves this.

-normAdj/normAdjA/B/C - This is only active with the last two lighting modes. This changes the shape of the voronoi facets.

Enjoy. Please give credit if you use it, and also note that it's MIT licensed. The sample composition uses GL Tools, because it renders to a Quad, but if you don't have it installed, just use a Billboard/Sprite/whatever.