lighting patch

Audio Tools in Lighting patch bug

cybero's picture

Maybe I've just missed something here that's already been noticed but if I set the Lighting Macro Patch to use the Shadow colour the Audio Tools plugin literally stops working at all :-(, weird.

Twister Sphere Value Historian Example (Composition by gtoledo3)

Author: gtoledo3
License: (unknown)
Date: 2009.07.28
Compatibility: 10.5
Required plugins:

This is an example which illustrates using multiple Value Historian patches to record two separate "passes" of x/y data generated from a mouse, and how to control them both via external timebase, so that they loop together.

One pass was recorded using the Twister patch to deform the sphere generated by the Parametric Surface patch, and the other pass was recorded as an effective "spotlight" driving by mouse x/y, using the Lighting patch.

It also illustrates smoothing of performance data.