Kineme3d model import breaking

UnexpectedGirl's picture

I'm new to Kineme and haven't used Quartz in a while so I am a bit rusty.

I'm using the Kineme3D plugin.

I'm trying to import 3d models (in pretty much any format, I've tried a whole lot) for use with the AR Toolkit.

I can get the sample .fbx files and their corresponding textures to import fine, but when I try and bring in other models they break? In other words if I bring in a model of a game character it only brings in certain parts of the body.

Is this because the models aren't all one piece? Is there any way to bring them in otherwise i.e do I need to convert them in 3d software or its there another program I can use? I've tried the Autodesk FBX converter already and this hasn't made much difference.

You can see the results in the images - the first is the standard model, the second is a model imported into QC. I haven't applied a texture to the second model yet although the first image has the relevant texture.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

cybero's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

I think you are on the right lines with those models that are animated - when you ask if the problem is to do with those models being comprised of a set of component structures. Output Objects and iterating through the objects, have a look at the structure explode example and especially the knight v goblin example in the Kineme3D example compositions for some helpful exemplification. [] Hope that helps. :-)

Has the second model actually got the texture baked into it? Is the asset placed at a file path that is valid?

UnexpectedGirl's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

Yeah I figured as much unfortunately.

No the second model hasn't got the textures baked - I just connected the model for the sake of the image example. The textures are all separate unfortunately, but thats another issue :)

I was hoping there was a way to combine the different structural pieces (via something along the lines of the fbx converter) without having to open up the file in a 3d program, but it seems that might be my only solution.

If I could open up all the pieces separately and piece them together as well that would also work but it only opens the dominant/parent polygon object.

UnexpectedGirl's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

Seems I actually had more luck using vade's v002 model loader

I haven't tried the textures yet, but the model comes in seamlessly.

cybero's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

Well there's a whole lot of useful posts about v002 on this forum and on's forum too about that patch, including loads about textures and animations.

smokris's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

@UnexpectedGirl: The Kineme 3D Object Loader patch has two outputs: Output Object and Output Objects. The first port just returns one object --- the first object in the file loaded. The second port returns a structure of all objects in the file loaded.

You can pass the Output Objects port into a Kineme 3D Object Structure Renderer patch, which will then render all the objects in the mesh (so you don't have to load the mesh in another application and combine the objects). You can also perform operations on the structure, if you want to modify the individual objects before rendering them.

If the mesh still isn't displaying correctly for you, please email the mesh and a composition to, and we'll take a look.

gtoledo3's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

(in addition to the other comments...) Sometimes changing the normalize parameter or center parameters will get the model rendering as expected.

UnexpectedGirl's picture
Re: Kineme3d model import breaking

smokris wrote:
@UnexpectedGirl: The Kineme 3D Object Loader patch has two outputs: Output Object and Output Objects. The first port just returns one object --- the first object in the file loaded. The second port returns a structure of all objects in the file loaded.

You can pass the Output Objects port into a Kineme 3D Object Structure Renderer patch, which will then render all the objects in the mesh (so you don't have to load the mesh in another application and combine the objects). You can also perform operations on the structure, if you want to modify the individual objects before rendering them.

If the mesh still isn't displaying correctly for you, please email the mesh and a composition to, and we'll take a look.

Thanks will try that! :) Appreciate all the help.