machinesdontcare tb SoundFlower 1.01

StuShapiro's picture

Hi guys,

I had this working and it suddenly stopped.

if i spacebar preview the qc file i can see what it should load. But when i open the attached file nothing happens. its just a black viewer. why would that happen?

I have the new audio tools installed which it requires

Can someone please try run this comp.

Thanks Stu

tb SoundFlower 1.01.qtz32.97 KB

StuShapiro's picture
Re: machinesdontcare tb SoundFlower 1.01

audio device found but I dont know how to select what device to use.

Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 7.53.03 PM 1.png
Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 7.53.03 PM 1.png229.5 KB