multiple kinect

pagina223's picture


someone knows if it's posible to connect more than one kinect cameras in a QC composition?... how?...

thank you!

monobrau's picture
Re: multiple kinect

I've used two kinects at the same time with kineme's kinecttools. You have to set the ID's in the patch. If it doesn't work reconnect one kinect to a different USB port and try again. Don't know if it still works on the latest osx, you have to test. You might want to check out nimate as well, the latest (paid) version can handle multiple sensors with body tracking.

pagina223's picture
Re: multiple kinect

i recibe the data from synapse via quartz_passtrough_plus sending osc messages... my question is: i need open two synapse's and two quartz_passtrough_plus (with diferent localhosts) to make possible read the data from the cameras?...

monobrau's picture
Re: multiple kinect

I don't know if it's possible to use two instances of synapse with each a different kinect assigned. You should check the developer. Alternatively you could use another mac with synapse to send the osc data to one system. Or as I mentioned earlier use nimate, it should do what you want out of the box.