Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

gabemott's picture

Sorry for the really simple question but I'm stuck on something I know many of you could bust out in moments. I'm making a color go back and forth between its "near" complement. Basically, instead of going to its direct complement (+.5 hue) I'm having it change +.4167 so that it can sort of bounce around the color wheel messing with eye fatigue.

So basically I'm looking for the right way to subtract 1 when the hue is greater than 1.

So as I make gestures the rising sequence should go: .4167, .8333, (1.25-1)=.25, .667, (1.0834-1)=.0834, etc.

(I didn't include the entire composition as it is huge and will just complicate things). I hope the attached is enough to share.

Thanks so much and again, sorry this is really basic.

Basic_conditional_subtract_one_hue.qtz2.62 KB

dust's picture
Re: Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

here you go gabe. there are a ton of ways to do this. I'm giving you two examples. one with expression and one with patches. alternative you can do this in a java script patch if you want. just copy paste or use conditional multi-plex logic or math expressions etc.....

function (__number outputNumber) main (__number inputNumber)
   var result = new Object();
   if ( inputNumber > 1 ) { result.outputNumber = inputNumber - 1 } else { result.outputNumber = inputNumber; }
   return result;

its pretty much just like your wrote;


subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

its sort of like how you would write but ":" means "else" so to predicate this expression or java script it would sort of be like "if number is greater than one subtract one from number else number is the same".

number > one ? number - one : number

its arbitrary the expression can be

a > 1 ? a - 1 : a

or with chickens and cows....

chicken  > cow ? chicken - cow : chicken

depending on how your getting your number stream you may have to reset your counter or something. or well a counter is 1 2 3 4 5 you want it floating point so if your using a counter divide by 10 or something so it will 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5......N

Basic_conditional_subtract_one_hue.qtz36.18 KB

gabemott's picture
Re: Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

Cool. Thanks Dust.

psonice's picture
Re: Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

Wow dust, talk about overkill :D edit, just noticed your attached file - the expression version is pretty much the same as mine

All you need is the Range patch. Set the range to 0 to 1, and use the 'rolled over' output. It'll loop the value within that range.

Other ways to do it:

  • Do what dust suggested, but use the math expression patch instead of javascript, it's much simpler. You can use "x - (x > 1 ? 1 : 0)" meaning "x minus (is x over 1? then 1, otherwise 0)". Problem here is that it can fail: if x goes to 2.1 then it'll loop back to 1.1, which is out of your range. After that the number might never go back into the 0-1 range, breaking your comp.

  • Alternatively use the math expression, with "fmod(x, 1)". That has the same effect as the range patch, and loops after it passes 1. If x somehow goes to 10.5, it'll loop back to 0.5, so this one should be solid.

Example attached.

Basic_conditional_subtract_one_hue.qtz3.71 KB

gabemott's picture
Re: Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

Thanks so much for the support. Turns out, my initial math was wrong. Once the input went over 2, subtracting 1 wasn't enough and the hue was locked at red because the input count just kept rising (obviously... or not so obviously to me). Appreciate your various options, learned a lot-- the final solution was using the Range Patch with the Rolled-over value as the output.

dust's picture
Re: Simple logic: subtract 1 when # is greater than 1

Cool thought that would be an easy one to answer gabe. I thought there was something more to the patch. Particularly if your using hue patch who's values I think should be no greater than 1. There's always using the interpolate on external time that will always keep your number in a range as well. Psonice actually helped me figure out that trick one day as I one of my first initial qc questions was how to scale a number in the -1 to 1 range.