R: Rejected

Iterator Spline

I would love to have a version of the GL Spline that worked with iterators so that each point on the spline was defined by an iteration. The same system could also be applied to polygons or other objects with an open-ended quantity of defining points. This could also be good for lights.

Quartz Crystal / get parameters (dimensions, fps, duration) from published outputs

Quartz Crystal lets me enter values for published inputs of the 'root' patch, which is great. I would like to be able to set output parameters (such as the output dimensions, fps and duration) to values that are published outputs of the root patch.

Use case:

I am using Quartz Crystal to run a complex set of Core Image kernels on a series of (large!) mov files. I can select the mov file to use using a published input, it would be great if the qc patch could communicate back the duration of the selected movie, so the composition gets rendered at the correct duration (and fps & dimensions).

Fluid Solver for QC

I would like to ask if it would be possible to make a Fluid Solver for QC? This could be used for simulating fluids, gases and other natural phenomena. I have put together some literature about various implementations - hope that is of interrest.

I think that having a fluid solver in QC would open up a wide range of amazing visual possibilities.

GPUGEMS article http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems/gpugems_ch38.html

Code samples GL implementation and literature from Nvidia (GPGPU Fluid and Superflow): http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/9.5/Samples/gpgpu_samples.html

Jos Stem's papers ("A Simple Fluid Solver based on the FFT" recomended) http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/stam/reality/Research/pub.html

Online Example as Java applet http://www.multires.caltech.edu/teaching/demos/java/stablefluids.htm

iPhone application from Autodesk: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=295089687

What do you think about?

Improved Script Editor - Printing

Just wondering about the possibility of improving the script editor with maybe tab panels and also an option to print.

iTunes info plug-in

Pretty self explanatory- a plugin that delivers the same info that you would need if you were making a iTunes protocol Quartz Composition. The basic idea is to be able to pull the currently running track info from iTunes, and feed it to a standalone (eg., not being run inside of iTunes) QC composition or app.