
Broadcast Quartz Compositions with Wirecast, use MIDI to control

randall's picture

Hey kids,

This isn't directly QC specific, but I figure a lot of you might be interested in this stuff. I just wrote up a tutorial about controlling Wirecast, a piece of software meant for video broadcasting (Justin.TV, and recording locally) using Midi + AppleScript.


I figure you guys might find it useful. Wirecast has weird QC support. It half works, but it's really sketchy. If you wanted to though, Wirecast does support screen capture, so you could capture part of the screen showing a QC comp, and broadcast it to the web live.

Feel free to hit me up with questions on here, or email me / comment on the post.

Later, rb

mac app store and qc

dust's picture

so im not in the mac dev program although i'm in the iphone program so i'm very familiar with that process.

does anybody know what this means in terms of qc apps. i'm assuming using qc in a ca layer etc... is ok but what is to be said of standalone app builders like quartz builder or unity etc...

seeing that there is no xcode file with a quartz builder app do you think we would expect to see some sort of plist for code signing possibilities within a qc info plist or something.

any info would be useful, i mean any info that is ok to be spoken about.

Compiling Single Marker Detector plugin with multiple markers

apple pi's picture

Hello, I downloaded the PatternMaker from http://www.cs.utah.edu/gdc/projects/augmentedreality/download.html and choose 6 markers from the ones allready made. How do I compile de SMD plugin with those markers? I tried to copy those gif's to the resources folder in the xcode project but with no results. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance

Storage of Image Units on disk?

laserpilot's picture

I have a bunch of those odd image units in QC4 after installing kinemecore and I was wondering if there was a way to poke around them a little further. I've been trying to find where they might be located on disk, but I haven't found anything in the usual areas. Some of the filters I'm talking about are named things like:

CIOpacity, CIEmboss, CIKuwaharaNagaoFilter, CIHDRToneMapping

Are these just private patches? Is there any way of being able to see their insides? I'm also curious about how to get them to show up as supported image units in Jitter under the jit.gl.imageunit object, but only the standard stuff shows up there. Let me know if you have any ideas, thanks

Using GLUT in QC custom plugin

LukeNeo's picture

Hi, is it possible to use GLUT library inside a custom QC plugin? I tried to do that in this way:
* add GLUT framework to my project
* add

#import <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#import <OpenGL/gl.h>
#import <OpenGL/glu.h>

in my plugin.h

now, if in the execute method I try to make a simple sphere with this simple code..

- (BOOL) execute:(id<QCPlugInContext>)context atTime:(NSTimeInterval)time withArguments:(NSDictionary*)arguments
GLUquadricObj *quadratic;
gluQuadricNormals(quadratic, GLU_SMOOTH);
gluQuadricTexture(quadratic, GL_TRUE);

..nothing happens. Where I am wrong?

Thank you, Luke