3: Done

Midi Clock Global In

a midi clock patch that observed all channels, so application with the midi clock can work on any computer without the user having to set the observed midi channel within the composition. Much like the MIDI Global CC and note patches in Kineme plugins.

An input on the patch that cancels unwanted multiple midi clock signals would also be great

Thanks :)

Open/write/read serial port

I'm looking for a developer to create a general serial port open-read-write patch.

Inputs: 1. name of serial port, eg: /dev name 2. serial communation settings, baud rate, stop and start bits, parity 3. string to be sent to the serial port on a trigger 4. Delimiter character that segments output string.

Outputs: Anything read from the port, string output. One item for each line delimiter.

While this can be used for any device with a serial interface, the immediate need is for this http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/exhibition/witilt/ I would also like to use it for a SpaceMouse maybe http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/spacemouse/

Please feel free to forward questions for more details.

Starting bid: US$100 but open to suggestion/negotiation depending on just how hard this is.

2D Drawing / Vector Artwork / Nodebox

  • I came from Flash, I'm a graphic person by nature, where is this in QC's world?
  • The nodebox project is reasonably mature and creating _really _high _quality _work and is open source.

Is it sane to join the dots here? They might well be interested too.

See [http://kineme.net/product/Kineme2D](http://kineme.net/product/Kineme2D).

3D Primitives

It would be handy to have OpenGL primitives exported to allow simple point, line, triangle, and quad drawing.

For point and line, 1 and 2 colors would be specified, in addition to the vertices. For triangle and quad, maybe an image input as well, to texture it.

Scientific Visualization

From some recent mailing list discussion, a weakness for scientific data visualization has been made glaringly obvious. I'm not sure how much we could 'solve' this weakness, but here were 3 suggestions:

  1. A data IO patch for reading simple column based data. This would be presented as multiple arrays or multiple time series for dynamic data.
  2. A set of general 3D primitives (which appropriate texture coordinates) such as spheres, cylinders, boxes, cones, ... and useful dimensional properties, position, scaling in each axis, rotations.
  3. A colour ramp generation patch, mapping numerical values to images (textures) using one of a number of colour ramps, red-blue (hot to cold) etc.