
Obsolete Plugin Cleanup

It would be excellent if there was a little utility app, independent of kinemecore probably (but this wouldn't be bad with kinemecore too), that would go and "cleanup" old plugins like structure tools, directory scanner blocking, spooky, gl tools during the alpha port function era, etc., that have been made obsolete by new plugins/have been lumped in with new plugins. Like, how Kinemecore checks for duplicate versions/older versions of a given plugin, or locations being in the wrong place.

I realize that something like that would have to have a static list of some outdated plugins inside the app and patches that replace them, that would be maintained, and that this could get into a pain. Maybe this would be best as an opensource thing where people could update that list themselves.

The purpose of it's being it's own utility app, script, or whatever, is so that someone wouldn't have to start up QC to do a "plugin management".

The "problem" scenario, is that, if you're loading an app that uses patches like Structure Maker or Directory Scanner Blocking that have been gobbled up by other patches over the years (DataTools, FileTools), and the user has them double installed - like, they have Structure Maker AND DataTools installed, not only does QC have problems on start, but it's pretty darn hard to figure out a way to keep your own app from crashing on start, or not initializing, because of the duplicates.

Maybe there's some eloquent way to handle this in the internals of an app, but I sure haven't found it - and I doubt there is in the case of duplicate plugins, when loading them from user, library, or system locations. I don't necessarily want to stop external loading of QCPatches altogether, but I guess that would be the alternative, to making it so the user doesn't have to jump through as many hoops. It just keeps them from using QCPatches installed on their system though (like QB does currently), which is sometimes not an advantage.

Efficient way to Black and White

scalf's picture

I have been using the stock Black and White patch to render any photo/video in BNW, however, this seems to be very costly to the CPU when used in a live video sense. Iw as wondering if there were any more effective ways to render a image source Black and White?

When I switch to BNW now I lose easily 50% of the frame rate and I know there must be a better way to do this. Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Installing a Quartz Composer Patch in OS X Lion

gtoledo3's picture

I made this quick screen cap of going to kineme's site, downloading GL Tools, loading it in the OS, and reopening QC, to show how to get it to work. Feel free to ask questions if I've breezed through too quickly, or anything isn't apparent.

GTTextureTransform ("skanky" sdk patch): Release

gtoledo3's picture

This is skanky Quartz Composer plugin, environment macro, that transforms the GL Texture matrix.

GTTextureTransform from George Toledo on Vimeo., this means that in this environment you can do things like zoom, offset, or rotate texture through OpenGL function.

For example, one can rotate the texture on a sphere while keeping vertex positions the same, or one can zoom image on a sprite without using core image, etc.

Boolean Values in Custom Patch

mr.p's picture

I am trying to make a patch that receives boolean input, from the keyboard patch, so far the patch has a boolean input that will change the value when I click the check box in the patch inspector but when i hook the patch up to the keyboard patch the desired key does not change the boolean value on my custom patch. I am wondering why this is happening.